Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Talabani, Hashimi discuss efforts for political nearness among blocs

BAGHDAD / President Jalal Talabani reviewed with his deputy Tariq al-Hashimi the latest political developments, efforts to near viewpoints and enhance joint relations, according to a presidential statement.   The statement, copy received by, stressed the importance of political efforts to serve national interests, surpass crises and abide by agreements, particularly Arbil agreement and the accords among political leaders.   Kurdistan president Masoud Barzani made an initiative in September 2010 to solve the political crises, that led to signing Arbil agreement between Iraqiya leader Iyad Alawi and State of Law bloc leader Nouri al-Maliki.   The agreement led to the formation of the government as well as implementing  19- point Kurdish demands.   Kurdish blocs in Arbil stressed last Tuesday the necessity of clinging to alliances and agreements that resulted the formation of the present government, calling Baghdad political blocs to shoulder responsibility for solving them.    The final statement of the Kurdish blocs meeting pointed out to the “long delay” of implementing the terms of the accords for national partnership and filling security ministerial posts.   Kurdish President Masoud Barzani initiated a plan to solve the political crisis in Iraq for the formation of a national partnership government, which was resulted in Arbil agreement that put the base for the formation of the government and implementation of 19-point Kurdish demands. RM (TR)/SR 336