Saturday, September 21, 2024


Nujaifi discloses terms of initiative to solve political questions

BAGHDAD / Parliament Speaker Usama Nujaifi said that his initiative to solve political bloc’s differences, starting with solving inter-conflicts among the parties, including the differences between Baghdad and Arbil, according to a statement issued by his office.   The statement, as received by, added that the initiative has new trends that will eliminate all obstacles that hinder the bases for new Iraq.   The initiative aims at developing national partnership with comprehensive perspectives, not limited as previous ones, the statement added.   On the external level, the initiative hopes to enhance relations with neighboring countries and solve pending questions with them.   These include Iraqi relations with Turkey, Iran and Kuwait.   In addition, the security vacuum in security posts was one of the points in the initiative, as well as the political and economic reforms, national and constitutional balances, necessary constitutional amendments, developing democratic potentialities and the organization of the armed forces. RM (TI)/SR 450