Friday, September 20, 2024


Turkey’s decision to expel Israeli ambassador hailed

BAGHDAD / Iraq’s Justice & Reform Movement has hailed the Turkish government’s decision to expel the Israeli Ambassador from Ankara, and rejected the UN resolution about Gaza, describing it as “shameful.”   “The Iraqi Justice & Reform Movement highly believes that the decision of the Turkish government to expel the Israeli Ambassador from Ankara and to freeze all military accords with Israel is a responsible position, an expression of free will, and a defense for the rights of the oppressed people. It further shows support for our beseiged people in Gaza,” the statement made by the Movement’s Secretary-General, Abdullah Humeidy Ajil al-Yawar reported.   Turkey’s Foreign Minister, Ahmed Dawood Ughlo had announced last Friday that his government had decided to expel the Israeli Ambassador from Ankara and to minimize the diplomatic representation with Israel to the level of 2nd Secretary, along with suspending the military agreements with Tel Aviv.   The statement, as was received by news agency, had also described the UN resolution about the Israeli siege against Gaza Strip, describing the siege as ‘legal,’ to be “counter for all international laws and human rights principles, contradicting the resolutions, issued by the UN in the past, regarding the sufferings of the Palestinian people in Gaza Strip.”   The statement called on “all Iraqi, Arab and Islamic nationalist forces, as well as the mass organizations and human rights organizations inside and outside Iraq to condemn the said UN resolution and to stand beside the Palestinian people.”   A report about the results of an investigation, carried out by the former Prime Minister of New-Zealand, Jeffery Palmer, towards the Israel attack on the Turkish Freedom Fleet in May, 2010, had confirmed that Israel’s siege against Gaza “did not violate the International Law,” but admitted that “the Israeli Army had used “the utmost and illogical force in its dealing with the said Fleet.”   SKH (TF)/SR 313