Friday, September 27, 2024


West Qurna oilfield productivity rises to 300,000 barrels

BASRA / South Oil Company said on Tuesday that West Qurna 1 field productivity increased to 300000 barrels per day and stressed that the productivity of the field will rise at the end of the current year to 400000 barrels per day. Exxon Mobil Company which invests the field said that it intends to drill 20 new oil wells during the upcoming period. “South Oil Company and Exxon Mobil and its partners are celebrating realizing the primary production target as to West Qurna 1 oil field after signing its development contract which is raising the field’s productivity from 200000 barrels to 300000 barrels,” South Oil Company Manager Diaa Jaafar al-Moussawi said on the sidelines of a celebration organized for the occasion of raising the oil field productivity. “The oil field will produce more than 400000 barrels by the end of 2011,” he added. He noted that the local government of Basra showed cooperation with the South Oil Company and with the other investment companies in Basra. ExxonMovil celebrated the increase in oil production of the West Qurna field. The celebration was attended by senior local officials and heads of investment companies in Basra.   SH (TS)/SR 655