Sunday, September 22, 2024


Basra Poet locks himself at home “till death” in protest for electricity cuts!

BASRA / A poet in southern Iraq ’s port-city of Basra has decided to lock himself inside his home “till death,” in protest to the continuous electric power cuts in his city.   “I shall lock myself inside my house ‘till death,’ and won’t come out, in protest to the continuous electric power cuts in Basra Province , under a temperature that exceeds 50 degrees Celsius,” Poet Kazim al-Hajjaj told news agency on Wednesday.   Poet Hajjaj, born in Basra , 590 km to the south of Baghdad , in the 40s of last Century, had authored several poem books for about 30 years, including: “Shahriar talked,” Baghdad – 1973, “Basra Facts,” Baghdad – 1987, “ Amman ’s Saba Men – 1999,” “What Resembles Things, Baghdad – 2005,” “Study about Woman and Sex, Amman – 2001.   SKH (ST)