Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Iraq’s Wifaq (Accord) Movement charges PM Maliki with following “serious individualist” policy

BAGHDAD / Iraq’s Wifaq (Accord) Movement, led by former Prime Minister Iyad Allawi, has charged Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, with following a “serious individualist” course, results of which it warned that he would shoulder alone, according to a statement, copy of which landed in news agency on Thursday.   “Maliki has evaded himself from the results of the meeting, held under the patronage of President Jalal Talabani, and the statement issued by the meeting confirming al-Iraqiya Coalition’s right to present its candidates to occupy the Defense Minister’s post and the State of Law’s right to occupy the Interior Minister’s post,” the statement, issued by Wifaq Movement’s Spokesman, Hadi Wali al-Dalimy, stressed.   “The said position proves that this ‘individualist and serious course’ would be burdened by Maliki alone and would lead, in the event of its continuation, to undermine the country’s march towards genuine democracy and to create serious problems that can’t be born by Iraq and its great people, through furious security violations and terror that annihilates innocent spirits of our people,” Dalimy said.   Prime Minister Maliki had announced last Tuesday the assignment of his Culture Minister, Saadoun al-Dulaimy, for the post of Acting Defense Minister.   Dalimy said in his statement that the Iraqi National Wifaq (Accord) Movement “shoulders the International Community, the states that claim to support democracy in Iraq and the states, supporting the political system in this country; shoulders them with responsibility for the failure of the political process and its diversion away from its correct course, going back to dictatorship.”   “Maliki must understand that he can’t rule Iraq alone,” he said, adding that his Movement “would lean for all political and legal means, guaranteed by the Constitution, to confront the new individuality, that began to rise day after day, in a clear way for our people.”   “Our Movement shoulders the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces (Maliki), who spent over 5 years in his position, responsibility for horrible failure to achieve security for Iraqi citizens,” he stressed.   The Leaders of Iraq’s Political Blocs had agreed in a meeting they held on 2/8/2011, at the residence of President Jalal Talabani, on several points, including the Law on the National Council for Strategic Policies (NCSP), to be passed for the Parliament for ratification, along with agreement on presenting new candidates for the vacant Cabinet’s Defense and Interior Ministers posts.   Iraq is witnessing political crisis since its last nationwide elections that was carried out in March, 2010, in the background of distrust between the largest two Coalitions in the Parliament and partners in the government the State of Law and al-Iraqiya Coalitions, with the latter demanding the complete implementation of Arbil Agreement that paved the way for the formation of the government on21/12/2010.   SKH (FT)