Saturday, September 21, 2024


Iraq’s Human Rights Ministry denies existence of secret women prisons.

KARBALA / Iraq ’s Human Rights Ministry has denied the existence of secret women prisons in Iraq , admitting the existence of women detainees that were not covered by judicial rules.   “We have attended on Tuesday a workshop, organized in Karbala , by the Human Rights Ministry, attended by delegations from Karbala , Diwaniya, Babel and Najaf Provinces , to discuss reasons of violence against women and means to put an end for them,” the Ministry’s Director of Woman & Child Rights, Sawsan al-Barrak told a news conference.   Barrak denied the “existence of women prisons in Iraq, but there are some women who are not covered by judicial rules, including women, detained according to Article-4 – Terrorism, charged with having carried out murder, abduction or receiving terrorists or dangerous elements in their homes.”   She admitted “the existence of violations, suffered by the Iraqi women and children, including non-obtaining social security salaries, family violence, begging and non-existence of homes to keep some of them.”   SKH (ST) 787