Sunday, September 22, 2024


15,000 Iraqi detainees freed in 2008

Iraq-Detainees BAGHDAD / The U.S. army in Iraq said on Thursday that it has released more than 15,000 Iraqi detainees during the past 10 months. “Task Force 134 Detainee Operations, in its continuous effort to ensure fair releases not mass releases of its detainee population, has released over 15,000 detainees this year. A significant number of the total released for the year happened last month during Ramadan,” the U.S. army said in a statement received by “These individuals that are being released are being sent back out to their communities and will be instrumental in the future success of Iraq,” said Brig. Gen. David Quantock, Multi-National Force – Iraq Commanding General of Task Force 134. “The most responsible approach to releasing detainees back into Iraqi society is through very deliberate case by case reviews, ensuring that only those detainees who no longer pose a threat to the citizens of Iraq, the Iraqi Government and the Iraqi security forces protecting this country are released,” he said. Quantock added, “This year we have returned more than 15,000 men to their communities, many with marketable skills. They are re-committed to becoming good citizens of Iraq, and helping to rebuild Iraq for the future.” SH (S)/SR 1