Sunday, September 22, 2024


Rice told Iraqis agreement critical for U.S.-Iraqi relations – paper

BAGHDAD / The British Telegraph newspaper reported on Friday that the U.S. is considering a draft agreement to withdraw from Iraq , noting that U.S. Secretary of state Condoleezza Rice told Iraqis that the agreement was critical for future of U.S.-Iraq relations and that it was the final offer the administration was willing to make. “U.S. Officials said the pact would see US combat forces withdrawn from Iraqi towns and cities by the middle of 2009. The troops would withdraw completely from Iraq by the end of 2011,” the paper said in its edition on Friday. “Defence secretary Robert Gates has begun briefing key members of Congress on the deal. While their approval is not needed, their support would ease its passage,” it added. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is also said to be pressing Iraqi leaders to accept the deal. “ U.S. officials said Ms Rice told the Iraqis that the agreement was critical for future US-Iraq relations and that it was the final offer the administration was willing to make,” it noted. “The Iraqis are considering the text, we are talking to the Iraqis,” State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said. A statement from Iraqi vice president Adel Abdul-Mahdi’s office said he and Ms Rice discussed “ways to promote the agreement in line with the interests of the Iraqi people and to guarantee all their rights.” Earlier this week, the Iraqi government said it was considering the draft after a compromise was reached on the issue of immunity for U.S. military personnel and contractors. Any deal must be approved by the Iraqi cabinet, the three-man Presidency Council, and critically, by the Council of Representatives. The current UN mandate for U.S.-led coalition forces in Iraq expires on 31 December. About 144,000 of the 152,000 foreign troops deployed there are US military personnel. The Iraqi government has publicly insisted on a clear timeline for withdrawal, and U.S. officials said the current draft included a timeline for US withdrawal before the end of 2011. It also wants to be able to prosecute US troops if they committ crimes outside their bases while off duty or on unauthorised missions. SH (S) 1