Saturday, September 21, 2024


Call to demonstrate after Eid, Muqtada al-Sadr

NAJAF / Sadrist leader Muqtada al-Sadr called upon the Iraqi people to a “million” demonstrators after Eid festival, calling for better services, following the end of the term granted to the government before six months.   Sheikh Hadi Muhamadawi, in today’s Friday speech, on behalf of al-Sadr, said “the peoples are stronger than tyrants”.   “Iraqi resistance will down the flags of US occupation forces”, he added.   On the other hand, the speech called for stopping the bombings on Iraqi territories by some neighboring countries, calling  Kuwait  to solve pending questions through dialogue.   Al-Sadr gave the government six months time table to evaluate the work of the ministries.   Sadrist ministers occupy most of the services posts in the government.   Najaf lies 160 km south of the capital,BAGHDAD . 803