Friday, September 20, 2024


3 female Yazidi bodies found in Mosul

NINEWA / Police forces found three female Yazidi bodies in north of Mosul, a media spokesman of the al-Shikhan district said on Monday. “Policemen found late Sunday (Jan. 16) three bodies of a mother, her daughter and her sister, on the road between Talkief and al-Shikhan districts, north of Mosul,” Amin Khalaf told news agency. “The three women are from the Yazidi sect,” he added, noting that this is the first incident of its kind in the region. Yazidis are primarily ethnic Kurds. Most of them live near Mosul, with smaller communities in Armenia, Georgia, Iran, Russia, Syria, and Turkey. The estimates of their population size vary, partially due to the Yazidi tradition of secrecy about their religious beliefs. Yazidis worship seven angels, in the form of peacocks, who are subordinate to the supreme god who created the universe. SH (TP)/SR 1328