Monday, September 23, 2024


Security Forces disperse Mosul’s demonstrations on their 18th day

NINEWA / Police forces in northern Iraq’s Mosul city have dispersed dozens of demonstrators, who tried to reach central Mosul’s al-Ahrar (Liberation) Square, after 18 days of such demonstrations. “The police forces have dispersed 100 demonstrators in Khalid Bin al-Walid Street in central Mosul, whilst the demonstrators have gone to the street in this place, after the security forces prevented them to gather in al-Ahrar Square,” a police source told news agency. He said the demonstrators have been demanding “the rejection of extending the presence of the American forces, and the Celebrations Square had witnessed dozens of demonstrators, expressing support for Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki and the security forces.” Mosul has entered its 18th day, witnessing demonstrations and sit-in gatherings since April 9th, before the closure of the roads leading to al-Ahrar Square in central Mosul. Mosul, the center of Ninewa Province, is 405 km to the north of Baghdad.   SKH (TI)/SR 535