Monday, September 23, 2024


Tribal conference calls for Ninewa Governor’s resignation – U.S. forces departure

NINEWA / Arab, Kurdish tribes, political leaderships and civil society organizations, have demanded the resignation of north Iraq Ninewa’s Governor and its Council, along with the departure of the U.S. forces from Iraq, non-extension of their presence and release of prisoners.   “The crippled projects, lack of services and government’s negligence had forced us to hold the conference of Ninewa tribes and their outstanding personalities in Ninewa on Tuesday, demanding the resignation of Ninewa Governor, Athel al-Nujeify and his Council, due to the negligence by the Council over the past period,” the Emir (prince) of Shammar tribes, Sheikh Fawaz al-Jarba, told news agency said on Tuesday.     He said “the isolation of the local government in Ninewa from the central government on one part and Kurdistan Region on the other, had shared a lot in undermining security and stability in the Province.”   “The conferees have issued an 11-point statement, most outstanding of which had been demanding the Parliament to dissolve the Province’s Council and its local government, the formation of a temporary transitional council, along with the departure of the American forces and non-extension of their presence, release of political detainees, and returning Ninewa detainees from Baghdad and Kurdistan prisons, for investigation in Mosul, according to their original location,” Sheikh Fawaz said.   The conference was attended by security personalities, including the Commander of the 3 rd Division of the Iraqi Army, Major-General, Mahdi Sabih al-Azzawi and a representative of the Commander of Ninewa Operations.   Mosul , the center of Ninewa Province , is 405 km to the north of the Iraqi capital of Baghdad .   SKH (RT)