Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraqi border point with Syria in normal condition; no Syrian family have passed through it, official says

NINEWA / The circumstances in a leading border point on the Iraqi-Syrian borders are normal and no Syrian family, escaping its country due to the protests witnessed there, has passed through the border point, an Iraqi border official said on Tuesday.   “The circumstances in the Rabi’a border point, 120 km to the northwest of Mosul , are normal and no Syrian family had crossed it into Iraq , after the protests and demonstrations that took place in Syria recently,” the Mayor of Rabi’a village on the Iraqi-Syrian borders, Jassem Mohammed Kanhoush told news agency, denying media reports in this respect.   Commenting on media reports saying that camps had been set up by the Red Crescent Society in the area, Kanhoush denied the report, saying that “no such camp for receiving Syrian families, had been set up and the village had not received any of them till now.”   The Red Crescent Society in north Iraq ’s Ninewa Province had announced earlier that six Syrian families had entered Iraq through Rabi’a border point, adding that the Society had set up 4 camps to receive those families.   “The border point is witnessing a normal movement, where Iraqis, leaving Syria back to Iraq are passing,” Kanhoush said.   The past three months had witnessed protest demonstrations against Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad, calling for democracy, forcing thousands of Syrian citizens to leave Syria to its neighboring countries.   On his part, a Ninewa security official said that “measures were normal on the border line, stretching between Iraq and Syria from the northwestern areas of Ninewa Province ,” adding that the “6 th Iraqi Brigade, watching the borders, had not recorded any violation in this respect.”   SKH (RT)   755