Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraqi gov’t called to support announcement of Palestinian State

NINEWA / The Iraqi Justice & Reform Movement has called on Iraq’s government and its political forces, as well as the Arab and Islamic states, to support the announcement of the Independent Palestinian State, describing the U.S. President’s position towards the issue as “standing counter to right of people’s for self-determination.”   “The Palestinian Cause has been made public in auctions that serve positions and interests of certain states that transformed it into a bridge for control and influence on the Arab and Islamic Region,” a statement by the said Movement said, stressing that “The Justice & Reform Movement strongly supports the establishment of an Independent Palestinian State on the Palestinian soil, enjoying sovereignty.”   The statement called on the Iraqi government and political forces, as well as the Arab and Islamic States to “announce their support for the establishment of the State of Palestine and to express all means of support and assistance for this choice, along with taking an honorable historic position towards this issue.”   Noteworthy is that Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, had presented an official demand to the United Nations to grant a complete membership in the World Organization for a Palestinian State, within the borders of 1967, with its Capital East Quds (Jerusalem).   The statement also called “for taking a strong and firm position towards the states that oppose the above step, through all possible means and methods, including economic sanctions and diplomatic pressure, least of which to be the curtailing of diplomatic representation with those states.”   It pointed out that the “position of the US President towards the announcement of the Palestinian State “stands counter for the right of self-determination, freedom and democracy he claims, when the issue is related for his narrow interests and reflects him to be standing with the Slaughterer against the Victim.”   SKH (TF)/SR 306