Saturday, September 21, 2024


Christian Woman killed, civilian injured, in attack on U.S. Patrol in Salahaddin:

SALAHADDIN / An Iraqi women has been killed and a civilian wounded in an exposive charge blast aimed at a U.S. Army patrol in Salahaddin Province on Monday, a police source said. “An explosive charge, planted on the roadside, had blown off against a U.S. Army patrol in Dujail township, 110 kms to the south of Tikrit, the center of Salahaddin Province, killing a woman and wounding a civilian,” the police sourc said. He stressed that “the two victims belonged to a Christian family, on its way from Baghdad to northern Iraq’s Mosul city, to attend Christmas and New Year celebrations, whose car had passed close to a U.S. Army patrol, when the explosive charge blew off.” Tikrit, the center of Salahaddin Province, is 175 kms to the north of Baghdad. GJ (A) / SKH 62