Friday, September 20, 2024


Citizens stage sit-in rise to 6,000 in Sulaimaniya

SULAIMANIYA / The number of citizens who staged a sit-in in central Sulaimaniya city on Tuesday went up to 6,000, calling for political reforms in the province, according to an activist. “A total of 6,000 persons are staging a sit-in in central Sulaimaniya, demanding political reforms in the government and suing those who opened fire on protestors in the past days,” Sahwan Raaoof told news agency, noting that the sit-in is peaceful and has not witnessed any acts of violence. “The sit-in will continue amid a desire from residents of Halabja city to take part in it,” he added. A medical source had said that three people were killed and 121 were wounded in the protests in Sulaimaniya. Hundreds of protestors went to street last Thursday calling for better services and living conditions and fighting corruption. SH (TP) 1343