Saturday, September 21, 2024


Over 85 injured in clashes between demonstrators – security forces in Sulaimaniya

SULAIMANIYA / The final toll from clashes between demonstrators and security forces in northern Iraq’s Kurdish city of Sulaimaniya has reached 86 injured, including 11 security men, the Director of the city’s Emergency Hospital said on Monday. “Clashes that took place between the security forces and demonstrators in Mawlawy Street and Azadi Square on Sunday night have reached 86, including 11 security men, injured,” Dr. Hawar Naqshabandy told news agency. He said that at least six civilians are among the wounded people, who were targets for firearms. Others were wounded by tear-gas, used by the security forces to disperse the demonstrators. About 50 demonstrators had blocked the Mawlawy Street, leading to the office of the city’s Governor’s office. Police prevented the demonstrators from reaching the office. Al-Saray Square in central Sulaimaniya has witnessed broad demonstrations since February 17th last, demanding political reforms, improvement of public services and putting an end for corruption in Kurdistan. The first days of the demonstrations had witnessed at least 9 people killed and more than 100 others injured, according to Kurdish opposition sources. The Kurdistan Presidency and government announced a reform program, including a number of demands, including political, economic and service reforms, promising to implement it within three months, in response to the demands of the demonstrators.   SKH (TR)/SR 348