Saturday, September 21, 2024


PM cancels Kut visit, sends delegation to negotiate with protestors

WASSIT / Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki canceled his visit to Wassit and sent a delegation to negotiate with the protestors, who call for sacking the governor and improving basic services, a media source said on Friday. “The premier apologized for not visiting Kut on Friday (Feb. 18) and sent a delegation, led by General Ali Ghedan to negotiate with the protestors in the city,” the source told news agency. A source had said earlier that al-Maliki will arrive in Kut today to meet local officials and discuss the protestors’ demands to solve the crisis, ongoing since last Wednesday. Protesters demanding better public services set fire to government buildings in Wassit province south of Baghdad, amid clashes with security forces that left more than 50 wounded. Around 1,500 people rallied in Kut’s central square before marching to the provincial council building, picking up others along the way, according to protesters. The protesters set two government buildings on fire, as well as the governor’s house, according to Mahmoud Talal, chairman of the Kut provincial council. Mr. Talal said 55 people were wounded in the clashes, including 12 policemen and nine firefighters. He said some protesters had guns and firing at the security officials, who he said were shooting in the air. Demonstrators have been demanding access to electricity and clean water, and are seeking improved security and an end to what they see is widespread corruption in government and provincial councils. Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki recently pledged to give back half his annual salary. In parliament on Sunday, members were urged by the finance minister to amend the draft budget to cut their salaries as well. Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Hussein al-Shahrestani also recently promised the poorest Iraqis a reprieve from their power bills. SH (TS) 2097