Saturday, September 21, 2024


kut’s Sit-in demonstrators end their demonstration after getting promises to implement their demands:

  WASSIT / The sit-in demonstrators have ended their demonstration in Kut city, the center of southern Iraq’s Wassit Province on Saturday after they got a commitment by the Province’s Council Chairman, to implement their demands, one of their sourrces told news agency. “The sit-demonstrators have end their demonstration in Kut, Wassit Province, on Saturday following commitment they god from the Province’s Council Chairman, Mahmoud Abdul-Ridha, to impelment all their demands,” the source said, adding that “the demonstrators began a campaign to put an end for all remnants caused by the violence acts that took place in Kut city over the past few days.” “The persons, who are cleaning the remnants of the violence acts and demonstrations that took place over the past few days have taken the initiative to help the cleaning workers, with the support of the security forces for them,” he said, adding that “life had returned to normal in the city of Kut.” Wassit Province had witnessed last Wednesday a demonstration that broke through its Province’s building and its Council, burning the contracts in the Province’s office, the Governor’s Council and his residence, in protest to the deterioration of the services, granted to citizens and the shortage in the government’s “Rational Card,” and the delay in implementing the Council’s decision to sack the Governor and necessity to account the corruptive elements. About 700 people have carried out a sit-in demonstration on Thursday inside tents they set up in front of the Province’s Council in Kut, preventing its Governor, Latif Hamd al-Turfa to enter his office and calling for his trial. Wassit Council’s Chairman, Mahmoud Abdul-Redha, had announced earliler that the Council of Ministers had agreed to please the demands of the demonstrators to support the Province’s Council decision to sack Govenor, Latif Hamad al-Turfa, from his position. Kut, the center of Wassit Province, is 180 kms to the southeast of Baghdad. ST / SKH 679