Saturday, September 21, 2024


Nujaifi bears his responsibility on his talks with the Kuwaitis – MP

BAGHDAD / A White Iraqiya MP shouldered Parliament Speaker Usama Nujaifi with any potential aftermath resulting from his talks with his Kuwaiti counterpart Jassim al-Khurafi. MP Alia Nsaif said that talks held between the two men regarding the three stages of Mobarak terminal are inaccurate.She noted that the three stages will affect the Iraqi economy. “Any obligations made by Nujaifi in his meetings are not obligatory for the Iraqi government and do not represent the opinion of the Iraqi parliaments,” Nsaif elaborated in a press statement. Nsaif added that these talks are “not official,” despite Nujaifi representing the legislative authority.This question is reserved for the executive, which is a “very dangerous move.” She pointed out that “if Kuwait utilizes these talks with Nujaifi to step around the Iraqi legitimate rights, Nujaifi will bear the full responsibility for the outcomings”. Kuwait announced in April last that it will build Mobarak terminal, one year after Iraq‘s announcement to build the Greater Fao Port. RM (TI)/SR181