Friday, September 27, 2024


Thoughts to withdraw from government to weaken Maliki – MP

BAGHDAD / Al-Iraqiya bloc MP called today to think of political alternatives to amend the situation in the country which is moving to unilateral rule and party, pointing one of these alternatives is to withdraw from the government to weaken the status of Premier Nouri al-Maliki, according to a statement of his office. In a statement, as received by, MP Ahmed al-Alwani warned against the rule of one person and one party, which facilitates the return of the dictatorship, “which matter we cannot accept,” as he said. He criticized the State of Law bloc for not abiding with the agreements reached to. Alwani said that he demanded the withdrawal from the present government “in order no to be partners in future destruction of the country”. Al-Iraqiya bloc leader Iyad Alawi announced last Thursday his rejection to preside of the Higher Strategic Policies Council due to “the absence of national partnership and unilateral rule.” Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani made an initiative in September 2011 to solve the current government crisis after a delay lasted for nine months, which led to the formation of a partnership government. RM (TI)/SR Number of Reads:351