Friday, September 20, 2024


Obama adviser says cut troop presence in Iraq vital step

Iraq-Obama BAGHDAD / Micheal Schiffer, adviser to U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, said that the first step to be taken in case Obama wins elections is to withdraw troops from Iraq. In an article published in The Des Moines Register newspaper, Schiffer said “that war has become an indefinite occupation with no clear strategy for success. Worse, the diversion of resources and strategic focus to Iraq has meant lost ground in Afghanistan. “As president, Obama will lead the United States and its allies to victory against the Taliban and al-Qaeda in Afghanistan – the real central front in the war on terrorism. He will start by directing the Joint Chiefs to plan for and execute a responsible redeployment of American combat forces from Iraq,” he said. “For six years, our troops in Iraq have done everything we’ve asked. They’ve succeeded against terrible odds to reduce violence in Iraq, in particular by deploying new counterinsurgency methods and by brokering partnerships with local leaders,” he noted. “That success demonstrates, however, that military force alone cannot produce the political settlements needed to end their civil war. The Iraqis must act to create their own peace,” he also said. “Our best leverage is to reduce our troop presence, while committing to and sustaining the hard diplomatic work that will be necessary to ensure a viable Iraq.” “The responsible redeployment of our forces from Iraq to Afghanistan is the vital first steps of a strategy for lasting American success. Obama will make that strategy our path to victory,” Schiffer underlined. SH (S)/SR 1