Saturday, September 21, 2024


Sadr called for stern stand against Kuwait – MP

BAGHDAD / White Iraqiya bloc MP called on Sadrist leaders to endeavor to terminate the sanctions imposed on Iraq, due to the insistence of the Kuwaiti side to punish the Iraqi people for previous regime policies. In a statement received by, MP Alia Nsaif  added that “the Kuwaiti government had not made any positive signs that it intends to develop its relations with Iraq during the past period, in addition to its insistence that Iraq should remain under UN Chapter VII terms.” She added that due to Muqtada al-Sadr’s presence in Baghdad, “we call on him to discuss the Kuwaiti dossier and have a decisive stand towards Kuwait“. “Sadr’s stand will be a step to implement Iraqi people aspirations that call for respecting Iraqi sovereignty,” she added. Iraq is under the terms of UN Chapter VII which were imposed on him following the invasion of Kuwait in 1991, which stipulated the use of force against it “as a threat to international security and peace”. RM (TI)/SR 254