Sunday, September 22, 2024


Official document shows 6 Phds have been among 145 sacked Tikrit University Lecturers.

 Official document shows 6 Phds have been among 145 sacked Tikrit University Lecturers.

Tikrit University.

145 Tikrit University Lecturers Sacked - Tikrit University Headquarters file photo

BAGHDAD / An official document has uncovered that the employees, carrying Phd among the 145 lecturers and employees, who were sacked from Tikrit University by its Rector recently were 6 only, whilst 17 who were sacked by the decision carried primary certificates. “The document, copy of which was received by news agency on Saturday that carried the signature of the University’s Rector, dated 24/4/2011, showed that 6 persons only, among those that the Rector demanded the Ministry of Higher Education to move their cases to the Questioning & Justice Commission, carry Phd, whilst 14 others carry Master degree, 64 carry Ba, 22 – diploma carriers, 17 secondary certificates, 3 intermediate and 17 are primary certificate carriers, whilst 2 are even less that primary certificate carriers. The document pointed out that the names addressed by the Tikrit University Rector to the said Ministry had been the first group, to be followed with another group, showing that only 20 persons carried Phd and Ma, whilst 31 others work in the local sections and security, among with 7 others are library employees, 9 maintenance. The document also showed that 58 of the persons, whose names appeared in the document, have been intelligence employees during the previous Iraqi Baath regime, along with 87 others belonged to the Special Security and the previous Presidency’s office. The said discharges of professors and employees of Tikrit University had created a big fuss Salahal-Din Province, where Tikrit is its center, Council of which had announced it as a “Region,” with administrative and economic self-independence, connected to the Federal Government of Baghdad.