Saturday, September 28, 2024


Call for establishing regions is a division of Iraq – MP

DIWANIYA / The formation of regions is a right guaranteed by the Iraqi Constituion, but it is a call to divide the country, a state of law MP has announced today. MP Ihsan al-Awadi told that “there exists a call to divide Iraq within this dangerous situation,” MP Ihsan al-Awadi told “We should overcome the present crises, then allow the Iraqi people to decide what type of rule they want,” he noted.. “There is documented evidence that there is a plan for coup d’Etat following the withdrawal of the U.S.forces, with the contribution of neighboring countries and Iraqi officials to create a state of chaos, so it was necessary to make such a move and arrest these networks,” he added. Earlier, Premier Nouri al-Maliki was quoted as stating that Salah al-Din has no right to declare itself a region. RM (TS)/SR 57