Saturday, September 28, 2024


Al-Iraqiya Legislature: “Important meeting expected to take unified position towards indepedent Regions.”

Al-Iraq BAGHDAD – A Legislature of al-Iraqiya Alliance, led by former Prime Minister Iyad Allawi, has said on Thursday that a meeting was scheduled to be held  in Baghdad next week to take a united position towards the issue of the establishment of  indepedent “Regions” that appeaded on the political arena recently, as well as the settlement of the security cabinet posts that were vacant since the formation of the current government. “The Leaders of al-Iraqiya Alliance have decided to meet after the end of Eid al-Adha holidays, that ended on Wednesday, to take a united decision towards the establishment of  ‘Regions,’ as well as the discussion of the security dossiers,” Salim al-Jibouri told news agency. He said the meeting would also “confirm necessity of safeguarding Iraq’s unity and the rejection of  ‘sectarian Regions,’ with full respect for the will of each province to decide what it suits it, whether to transform the province into a Region or to demand the implementation of the Decentralization System in steering difference provinces (governorates).” “The meeting shall also discuss the issue of the security cabinet posts, that was not settled till now, despite al-Iraqiya’s presentation of several candidates for the Defense Minister‘s post,” Jibouri said, adding that “there might be some new names to be suggested.” Jibouri has also denied the existence of a close meeting between members of al-Iraqiya Alliance and members of the State of Law Alliance, led by Iraq’s Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. North-central Iraq’s Salalahal-Din’s Council had voted with 20 out of its 28 members two weeks ago to announce the Province as an “independent Region, within the United Iraq,” that was annouced by the Council’s Deputy Chairman, Sabhan Mulla Chiad, who said the decision was taken due to the Central government’s irresponsible policy against the Province’s inhabitants, along with depriving them of their national rights in the political and economic fields. SKH (ST) Number of Reads:303