Saturday, September 21, 2024


Iraqi Legislature demands US Administration to allow Iraq play its leading Arab role

BAGHDAD / The Legislature of the so-called White al-Iraqiya Bloc, Alia Nuseif, has called on the US Administration to allow “Iraq play its leading role on the Arab arena, after the retreat of the role of Egypt and Saudi Arabia,” as she said on Sunday.”The American Administration must deal with Iraq, in such a way that copes with the Agreement, signed between both countries, through allowing Iraq to occupy its leading role in the Arab decision, in the background of the retreat of the Egyptian-Saudi role,” Nuseif told news agency.Nuseif said that Iraq “possesses both human and material potentials, along with the good relations linking it with the states that had been supporting the process of the democratic change in Iraq.””The American support in this respect shall help to correct several US mistakes that America had involved itself in since 2003 and till this date,” Nuseif concluded.SKH (TP)/SR70