Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraqi stand on Syrian question “weak” – Kurdish Change Movement

SULAIMANIYA / Kurdish Change Movement criticized today the stand of the Iraqi government towards the Arab League’s decision to suspend Syrian membership, describing it as “a weak stand.” Spokesman Shao Saeed told that “the reserved stand of the Iraqi government was weak that does coincide with the regional weight of the country and its role as a new democratic state in the region.”  He described the Syrian regime as the twin to the ex-Baathist Party, and criticized Syrian stand since 2003 for allowing terrorist to pass through its borders to kill the Iraqis and destroy the political process in Iraq. On Saturday, the Arab league decided to suspend the Syrian membership, calling Arab counties to withdraw their ambassadors form Damascus . The resolution was adopted by the approval of 18  countries, rejection of 3 states ( Syria , Lebanon and Yemen ) and the Iraqi abstention. Syrian cities are witnessing massive demonstration against Asad regime since March last, while UN reported that 3500 persons were killed since then. RM (TS)/SRNumber of Reads:17