Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraqi government confirms Syrian people’s right to choose democratic system

BAGHDAD / The Iraqi government confirmed today the right of the Syrian people to select its democratic system and get its full freedoms, as well as rejecting all forms of killing and violence. It also objected to the Arab League resolution to suspend Syrian membership. Iraqi spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh said in a statement, copy received by, that the Cabinet discussed today the situation in Syria and the Arab League resolution. The Cabinet confirmed the right of the Syrian people to choose its democratic system and having its rights. The Iraqi government expressed full support to the “brotherly Syrian people and all Arab peoples, as well as rejecting actions of killing and violence”. The statement added that the Cabinet rejected imposing economic sanctions and internationalizing the case. The Arab League adopted a resolution calling for the suspension of Syrian membership and withdrawing Arab ambassadors from Damascus. The resolution was adopted by 18 countries, 3 objected (Syria, Lebanon and Yemen) with the abstention of Iraq. Since last March, the Syrian cities were witnessing massive demonstrations against Asad regime, while a UN report said that more than 3500 persons were killed. Dabbagh announced that “the Iraqi government expresses its deep concern for the situation on Iraqi security and interests, as well as the region’s”. Number of Reads:77