Saturday, September 21, 2024


Iraq’s Parliament Speaker visits Turkey for bilateral talks

BAGHDAD / Iraq’s Parliament Speaker, Usama al-Nujeify, is leaving for Turkey early on Tuesday, leading a Parliamentary delegation, to discuss bilateral relations between the two countries, a Parliament statement reported. “Nujeify is scheduled to leave for Turkey today (Tuesday) to confer with its President Abdullah Gul, Parliament Speaker, Jamil Kuchik, Prime Minister, Recep Tayib Ardogan and Foreign Minister, Ahmed Dawut Ughlo, on bilateral relations between the two friendly countries,” the statement stressed. Notewothy is that Nujeify had launched a political intitiative last month to hold a common meeting, to comprise Iraq, Iran, Turkey and Saudi Arabia, aimed to settle the current suspended issues and emergency mattes in the Middle East Region. SKH (PT)Number of Reads:76