Friday, September 20, 2024


Parliament Speaker visits Salahal-Din, confirms its constitutional right to establish “Region.”

SALAHAL-DIN / The Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament, Usama al-Nujeify, has reiterated during a visit for Tikrit on Tuesday “Salahal-Din‘s constitutional right to establish an administratively independent ‘Region.” “The Iraqi Parliament’s Speaker, who had arrived in Tikrit, on a surprise visit on Tuesday morning, has reiterated in a speech at the Province’s Council the constitutional right of Salahal-Din Governorate to establish a ‘Region’ and and the Constitution is clear and does not need any explanation in this respect,” the Media Advisor of Salahal-Din Governorate, Mohammed al-Asi, told Asi said that Nujeify had conferred with a number of Legislatures of the Province, its Governor and Members of the City Council in Central Tikrit, adding that “the Acting Chairman of the Governorate’s Council, Sabhan Mulla Chiad, had confirmed during the meeting that ‘the decision of the establishment of the Region can’t be cancelled, because its the decision of the people of Salahal-Din.” On his part, the Legislature Mutashar al-Samarrae, said that “Salahal-Din‘s people have been target for huge negligence over the past 8 years, especially its Samarra Township,” adding that “the Province still suffers from marginalizing, undermining its administrative and financial authorities and Central government’s interference in its affairs.” “The pst few days have noticed the raising of voices demanded the establishment of independent Regions, following the voting by 20 out of Salahal-Din‘s 28 Governorate Council members on October 27th last, announcing the Governorate as “an independent Region, within United Iraq.” Tikrit, the center of Salahal-Din Province, is 175 km to the north of Baghdad. SKH (PT)Number of Reads:84