Saturday, September 21, 2024


Iran – sectarian forces against Iraqiya bloc – Iyad Alawi

 Iran  –  sectarian forces against Iraqiya bloc – Iyad Alawi

Iyad Alawi, Iraqiya Bloc chief

Iyad Alawi, Iraqiya Bloc chief

BAGHDAD / Iraqiya bloc chief Iyad Alawi said that Iran and other forces, described as “sectarians”, do not want an impressive role for the Iraqia bloc, pointing out that Iraqi foreign relations coincide “only” with Iran. In a press interview with al-Sharq al-Aswat daily today, he added that “Iran and other forces do not want his bloc to have an effective role in Iraq, to be added to the US stands against the bloc itself”. “Added to that, the UN silence on the national partnership in Iraq”, he added. He pointed out that there is “an Iranian influence in Iraq, according to the statements of Iraqi and international officials”. Alawa added that he will resort to the people to “expose the conspiracy taking place in the country”. According to the press interview, Alawi referred to policies of suppression, shock, liquidation, arrest as “daily practices”. “Such actions obliged me to demand the UN Secretary General to send a resident observer for human rights violation, as well as the Arab League to send a fact-finding committee to observe the agony of this country. On foreign relations, Alawi added that “Iraqi foreign relations coincided with the Iranians, as well its unclear stands either on the European or Arab levels”.