Friday, September 20, 2024


National Leader calls for necessity to have a strong Central Government

NINEWA / The Secretary-eneral of Iraq‘s Justice & Reform Movement, Sheikh Ajil al-Yawar, has called on Tuesday for “the emerence of a strong Central Government in Iraq, along with strong local administrations, at a time when Iraq is striving to safefuard its unity, defend it rights and sovereignty, in order to guarantee its security and rights of its citizens, amid threats of what he called as “division.” “It is necessary to have a strong Central Government and local administrations, not central ones, along with necessity to protect the unit of Iraq, defense of its rights, sovereignty, security and rights of its citizens,” Yawar told news agency. Yawar said “that Iraq‘s Division Project is not born recently, but it dates back to long-service conracts, to serve Iranian and Israeli interests, whilst the imperialist states have chosen certain plans to divide Iraq.” “Ninewa people, similar to other Iraqis with their different components, reliions and nationalities, are partiners in any of their Provinces, and they must express that partnership, reject margining that cause division of the Homeland,” he said, adding that “the rule of dictatorships have come to an end, governments are changing and the phase of transformation is continuing.” He pointed out in conclusion that “there exists an attempt to convince Iraqis that their country is heading towards division,” repeating his rejection of “all division projects,” callling to “face multreatement taking place against some Provinces, with more active means.”