Saturday, September 21, 2024


Iraqi foreign policy criticized, political movement

BAGHDAD / Justice and Reform Movement criticized today the Iraqi government, the President and the Parliament stands on the current situation in Syria , as well as adopting “dual policy”.   Secretary General Sheikh Abdullah al-Yawar said in a statement, copy received by, that “Iraqi foreign policy is not clear in regard Arab peoples, at a time supporting the Bahraini popular uprising, while they are against the Syrian aspirations.   He severely criticized the Iraqi Parliament for not standing with the Syrian people, in addition to other Iraqi politicians who described the Syrian situation as “revolution of violence”.   Yawar rejected any form of economic sanctions that will negatively affect the Syrian people or any act that leads to the division of the country and stirring sectarian and denominational inclinations.   Iraq abstained voting on imposing economic sanctions on Syria .   The Syrian cities are witnessing protest demonstrations against Asad regime since last March, while a UN report said that more than 3500 victims fell during these events.    113