Saturday, September 21, 2024


Biden’s visit is illegal – Ahrar bloc

BAGHDAD / Head of Parliamentary Ahrar bloc Baha’ al-Araji described sudden US vice-president Joe Biden’s visit “illegal”, pointing that the bloc will suit a file against him because the Iraqi government was not informed of his coming, thus he is dealing with Iraq as “occupied country”. He added that international law stipulates an early notice of the visit, but it was “to press political entities to call for the stay of some of the US forces and support his plan to divide the country. “Biden’s visit is unwelcomeed because it will affect the decisions of some political leaders, the internal situation and incites differences among political segments”, he confirmed. Sadrist Trend, headed by Shiite Muqtada al-Sadr, called Iraqis to demonstrate today protesting this visit, which is “an intervention in Iraqi internal affairs”. Biden arrived here yesterday in an unannounced visit before US forces withdrawal at the end of this year. US President Barack Obama announced on 12 October last that the US forces will withdraws from Iraq by the end of 2011, according to the security agreement signed between the two sides. The security agreement between Baghdad and Washington , signed in November 2008, stipulated that the US forces should withdraw by the end of this year. US combat forces began to withdraw from Iraqi cities and town in June 2009, according to the agreement. Vice-President Biden visited Iraq on 13 January last, where he met Premier Nouri al-Maliki , President Jalal Talabani and Kurdish Region President Masoud Barzani where bilateral relations were discussed as well as joint interests. Political sources said that the visit is to expedite the distribution of vacant security posts, so that the security situation will not deteriorate more. RM (TI)/SR 802