Friday, September 20, 2024


Organized Mafia are in prisoners’ fleeing operations

BAGHDAD / White Parliamentary bloc MP described the continued fleeing of prisoners are due to organized crimes operation, warning that Iraq may be transformed to a Mafia country like Colombia. MP Kadhim al-Shammari expressed in a statement, received by, his concern that corruption was extended to security organs, to turn in cancerous disease that cannot be healed. He questioned the mechanism of fleeing despite different walls available in prisons, in addition to the presence of the guards. “This case denotes that there are organized crimes gangs that give logistic support for the criminals,  in addition to the corruption of the security organs. He expressed his fears that Iraq will turn like Colombia and Italy, but added “we have to face this situation before we become a country controlled by the Mafia”. Muthanna province governor Abdul Lateef al-Hassani disclosed that the killer of ex-governor of the province fled in Baghdad, which stirred a great uproar at the province. RM (TI)/SR 353