Saturday, September 21, 2024


Kuwait insisting on keeping Iraq under economic sanctions – legistlature

BAGHDAD / The Legislature of the so-called “White Iraqiya” bloc in the Parliament has charged Kuwait on Saturday, with “insisting to keep Iraq under UN Charter’s Article 7, imposing economic sanctions against her country, under justification of he existence of lost Kuwaitis in Iraq. “It is regretful to see the UN Security Council, repeating its advice for Iraq to normalize its relations with Kuwait, especially in the field of searching for Kuwaitis lost in Iraq since 1990.The Security Council and the world know that no lost Kuwaitis or even remains of Kuwaitis exist in Iraq, especially after several visits by international committees, who confirmed the inaccuracy of the Kuwaiti claims,” Nuseif said in a statement on Saturday. “Kuwait insisted on keeping Iraq under the said UN Charter’s Article 7 and continued creating justifications to prevent Iraq‘s exclusion from this article.We don’t know what kind of normalization the Security Council is talking about,” she commented. “What development of Iraqi-Kuwaiti relations would encourage Kuwait to stop its policy of  animosity towards Iraq in all fields,” she asked. Iraq is under UN Charter’s Article 7, imposed on it after the entrance of its forces into Kuwait in 1990, allowing the use of power against Iraq, under charges that it “threatens the International security,” along with freezing huge amounts of its funds in the world banks, to pay  compensations for those who were harmed by its invasion of Kuwait. SKH (TI)/SR 671