Friday, September 20, 2024


SIIC head, Babel governor take up security

BAGHDAD / The head of the Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council (SIIC) and Babel Governor Salem al-Maslamawi on Wednesday discussed the security conditions in Babel province. Hakeem, who is also the head of the (Shiite) United Iraqi Alliance (UIA) received Maslamawi in his Baghdad-based office and discussed with him the situation of services and the security conditions in Babel province, according to a statement published today on the SIIC’s official Web site. Preparations for the handover of security responsibilities in Babel province were also raised during the meeting, the statement noted. On Thursday, the Multi-National Force (MNF) will transfer security responsibilities in Babel to Iraqi forces, thus becoming the 12 th Iraqi province to see security passed from the U.S. side. Babel, a Shiite province that lies 100 km south of the Iraqi capital Baghdad, has an area of 6,468 square kilometers (2,497.3 sq mi), with an estimated population of 1,385,783 people in 2003. The provincial capital is the town of al-Hilla. The ancient ruins of Babylon (Babil, after which the region is named) are also in the province. The Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council (SIIC) (previously known as Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI)) is an Iraqi political party. Its political support comes from the country’s Shiite Muslim community. Prior to his assassination in August 2003, the council was led by Ayatollah Mohammed Baqir al-Hakeem; its current leader is the ayatollah’s brother, Abdelaziz al-Hakeem. In light of its gains in both elections and government appointments, the Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council is one of Iraq’s most powerful political parties and the largest party in the Iraqi Council of Representatives. SS (S)SR 1