Saturday, September 28, 2024


Baghdad Operations Command prevent reporters to shoot photos of areas attacked on Thursday

BAGHDAD / The Baghdad Operations Command (BOC)has witnessed reporters to shoot photos of areas that witnessed explosions in central Iraq’s Karrrada district, where dozens of people were killed and injured, along with other Baghdad areas, that witnessed similar blast that killed 69 civilians and injured 185 others on Thursday, press sources reported.”The BOC has banned press photographers to shoot photos of the explosion site in Karrada, targeted against the office of the Integrity Commission, killing and wounding dozens of civilians and completely destroying the building,” an Iraqi press photographer told Iraqi News agency. Another reporter said that “the Integrity Commission‘s building, opposite to the Christian Nun’s Hospital in Karrada, was completely destroyed, setting a huge fire to the building, along with causing damage to nearby shops and houses.”Meanwhile, Iraqi Civil Defense sources told that “about 30 bodies of employees of the said Commission have been evacuated, whilst efforts continued to pull corpses of other victims of the destroyed building.”Baghdad had witnessed a series of explosions of booby-trapped cars and other explosive charges on Thursday, that killed and injured dozens of civilians, following the outbreak of a huge political crisis that took place in the background of charges against Iraq’s Vice-President, Tareq al-Hashimy, by Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, with having been involved in terrorist acts, along with another decision by Maliki to sack his Deputy Prime Minister, Saleh al-Mutlaq from his post, with both officials are leading members of al-Iraqiya Coalition, led by former Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki.SKH (PT)850