Saturday, September 28, 2024


Security reasons permit moving investigations from place to another, legal expert

BAGHDAD / Legal expert Tariq Harb said that “it is possible to move investigations to another area if security situation does not permit”.   Harb told that the law insists to make the investigations at the place of the crime, but another legal article permitted moving it to another area, for security reasons and availability of facts.   He commented that the demand to move the case to Kurdistan is indirect objection to the independence of the judicial system, which matter is “unacceptable”.   Vice-president Tariq al-Hashimi demanded last week to move the case to Kurdistan region, charging Premier Nouri al-Maliki the responsibility of attacking him with “terrorism”. Iraqi Interior Ministry disclosed issuing an arrest warrant against Hashimi and broadcasted the confessions of his bodyguards for operating assassination attempts and bombings in 2009.   These political developments come at the time of US forces withdrawal, according to the agreement signed between the two countries at the end of 2008.   812