Saturday, September 28, 2024


National Alliance insists holding national conference in Baghdad

BAGHDAD / National Alliance MP Ali al-Shalah said today that the national conference will be “a right step to discuss pending issues through candid and direct dialogue, not through boycotting or scandalizing”. He told that the conference called by president Jalal Talabani “will be a positive point because it will clarify to all the pending questions and important issues among diversified political entities”. Shalah, a leading member in the State of Law, headed by Premier Nouri al-Maliki, added that “there is an agreement among the National Alliance members that the conference should be held in Baghdad, not any other place, because Baghdad is the capital of Iraq and all political entities are there”. He added that “all discussions shall be made under the roof of the constitution”, but “no judicial matters shall be tackled because they are within the capacity of the law, including the case of vice-president Tariq al-Hashimi”. 902