Tuesday, September 24, 2024


POLITICS: iya MP suggests that US withdrawal phase become occasion to release innocent detanees

POLITICS: Al-Iraqiya MP suggests that US withdrawal phase become occasion to release innocent detanees BAGHDAD / IraqiNews.com: Iraqi Parliament Member of al-Iraqiya Alliance, Khalid al-Alwany, has called on the Iraqi people, including all its religions, sectarian principles and community, to unite ranks at the phase that preceded the US withdrawal from Iraq and to prevent Iraq‘s evil enemies, to have the chance to harm Iraq and its people. “The stage of the American withdrawal from Iraq is an opportunity for the Iraqi government to carry out measures that would rejoice the Iraqi people, who suffered a lot during the past 8 years,” Alwanii told IraqiNews.com news agency, adding that “on the top of such measures is the release of innocent detainees, who were imprisoned in an aggressive way, along with achieving security and find job opportunities for the youth.” Alwany, also member of the Parliament’s Integrity Committee, said that “all world peoples, when they witness the departure of the occupier from a state and its achievement of sovereignty and liberation from chains, laid by the occupier and its agents, won’t forget their support for those peoples, saying: “We must not forget the role of the honest resistance, that fought the occupier and forced it to get out of our land,” adding that the “rejoice of Iraqis must be completed with opening a new page that helps them to forge the wounds of the past.” SKH (PT) “.2781