Friday, September 20, 2024


Sadr Trend seeks ban on travel to Israel by Iraqi Politicians

 Sadr Trend seeks ban on travel to Israel by Iraqi Politicians

Israeli Flag – Sadr Trends seeks criminalize travel to Israel by Iraqi politicians

Israeli Flag - Sadr Trends seeks criminalize travel to Israel by Iraqi politicians

BAGHDAD/ MP of Ahrar bloc, Mohammad Ridha al-Khafaji, announced that “Sadr Trend started to gather signatures to issue a law forbidding the Iraqi politicians, Ministers and MPs from travelling to Israel.”

Al-Khafaji stated that “This campaign was arranged on the background of travels made by some politicians to Israel,” but he did not mention their names.

“Hundreds of signatures had been collected to issue this law,” al-Khafaji added.

The former Parliament which was headed by Mahmoud al-Mashhadani decided in the session No. 14 in July 2008 to withdraw the parliamentary immunity from MP Mithal al-Alousi for participating in a conference about terrorism in Israel.