Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Maliki’s dictatorship, Iranian interventions resulted in security deterioration – MP Taha Lihaibi

 Maliki’s dictatorship, Iranian interventions resulted in security deterioration – MP Taha Lihaibi

Taha Al-Lihaibi, Iraqi Parliament Member

Taha Al-Lihaibi, Iraqi Parliament Member

BAGHDAD / An al-Iraqiya Bloc member attributed the deterioration in the political and security situations to what he called “the dictatorship of Premier Maliki, the Iranian control in decision makers”, but excluded its return to the parliament in light of these circumstances. In a statement released by his office, received by, MP Taha Lihaibi confirmed that “there are no changes in Maliki’s government attitudes, as well as random arrests and killing innocent people”. According to the statement, he added that “the Iraqis are being killed by car bombs imported from Iran”, charging it is “penetrating in the security organs”. Lihaibi stressed that “Maliki has ousted his partners”. Earlier today the latest accusations leveled against al-Iraqiya Bloc‘s leader and Iraqi Vice President, Tariq al-Hashimi, were openly criticized, adding to the tension in the Iraqi political arena.