Monday, September 23, 2024


If we have internal agreement, we will not have external interventions – Kurdish MP

 If we have internal agreement, we will not have external interventions – Kurdish MP

Mahmoud Othman, Kurdistan Alliance Member of Iraqi Parliament.

Mahmoud Othman, Kurdistan Alliance Member of Iraqi Parliament

BAGHDAD / Kurdish Alliance MP Mahmoud Othman stressed that the Turkish escalation and foreign interventions in Iraq are due to the disputes among Iraqi political blocs. He told “if there is an agreement among the blocs, there will no foreign interventions”. Othman added that “the Turkish statements incited the Iraqi sides, and vice-versa, but all these could be solved by diplomatic means”. He did not expected that counter statements will make big problems between the two sides, but “will have their relative effects on bilateral relations”. Iraq is witnessing great political crisis along the accusations made against vice-president Tariq al-Hashimi and the demotion attempt against deputy premier Saleh al-Mutlaq, who are both of Iraqiya bloc. Added to all this, the security and political tensions, not solving the security ministerial posts, and the recent bloody explosions that hit Baghdad and a number of provinces, that led to hundreds of deaths and casualties.