Friday, September 27, 2024


Majority government is final solution – MP

BAGHDAD / National Alliance MP Abbas al-Bayati declared today that “the Alliance is still clinging to the national partnership”. He told that “there is ample chance before all political entities to save this government, but if we were unable, we will resort to forming a majority government, which is the last solutions”. Bayati criticized the demands of Iraqiya bloc as “unrealistic”. He pointed out that the majority government does not mean sectarian one, but it will represent all the components. Bayati described Alawi’s demands as “unrealistic, illogical and unconstitutional”. Iraq is living in real political crisis following the accusations uttered against vice-president Tariq al-Hashimi and the differences between Maliki and his deputy Saleh al-Mutlaq, both leading members of Iraqiyah bloc. In an attempt to solve pending questions among all parties, President Jalal Talabani proposed making a general national conference, due at the beginning of the next month, to solve these questions, including those between Arbil and Baghdad on oil and gas law and the implementation of Article 140 of the constitution. RM (TI)/SR 1018