Saturday, September 21, 2024


Iraqiya’s return positive for Nat. Conference – Barzani

ARBIL / The President of North Iraq’s Kurdistan Region Massoud Barzani has said on Monday that the return of al-Iraqiya Bloc to attend Parliament sessions is a positive sign for the success of the expected National Conference. “The Return of al-Iraqiya Bloc had highly raised the moral signs, with the hope that its return would open a new page in relations among the political forces and a positive sign for the holding of the expected National Conference,” Barzani said in a meeting with representatives of the Arab, Islamic and Foreign states in Kurdistan Region. “We, the Kurds, have tried to play our role to settle all the problems; we are waiting now for an extensive National Conference to find solutions for the current problems, and our main goal is to plant trust among us, because the current crisis is a crisis of trust,” Barzani said. Commenting on the conditions of the Kurds in Syria, Barzani pointed out that he “looks with high attention to the changes taking place within the Kurdish conditions in Syria and the recognition of their legitimate rights, as a second component in the Syrian State”. The conference held in Arbil for “the Kurdish Syrian Immigrants abroad,” was aimed at “unifing the Kurdish ranks in Syria and their leaderships,” Barzani said. Yesterday a Kurdish Alliance MP remarked that al-Iraqiya’s return to the parliament sessions is a positive step.