Friday, September 20, 2024


Coordination needed to eliminate armed operations – Maliki

BAGHDAD / Premier Nouri al-Maliki called for further coordination between the local governments and security forces to eradicate “terrorist” operations, according to a Presidency statement. The statement, received by, added that Maliki met with senior security commanders and some governors, with the presence of Acting Defence Minister, to review the security situation in general. It added that Maliki called for further cooperation and coordination among all these organs. The meeting discussed means and ways to close all possible security loopholes that permits the terrorist to penetrate. The security situation was also discussed with Kirkuk, Thi Qar, Salah al-Din, Missan, Ninewa, and Muthanna governors. The governors confirmed their cooperation with the security forces in their efforts to counter terrorist operations. RM (TS)/SR 2257