Sunday, September 22, 2024


Suggestions to dismantle problems – Iraqiya spokeswoman

BAGHDAD / Al-Iraqiya Bloc suggested dismantling the problems to solve the present crisis, according to its spokeswoman today. Spokeswoman Maysoon al-Damalouji said in the statement from her bloc, as received by, that the bloc’s leadership met to review the events on the Iraqi political scene, including the services and security, suggested to dismantle the problems and to hold the national conference to be a step forward to real national partnership. “The meetings with President Jalal Talabani and vice-president Khudhair al-Khuza’I were satisfactory”, she added. She hoped that these atmospheres will prevail to hold the national conference and the return of the bloc to the Cabinet’s meetings. Al-Iraqiya Bloc suspended mid December last its presence in both parliamentary and cabinet sessions, following the arrest warrant against vice-president Tariq al-Hashimi and the demotion attempt against deputy premier Saleh al-Mutlaq, both leading members in Iraqiya bloc, but it announced the termination of such suspension last week. RM (TS)/SR 740